Free NetLimiter 5 Pro License Key [Lifetime Registration]2024

NetLimiter 5 Pro

Free NetLimiter 5 Pro License Key is a tool for monitoring and controlling internet connection speed and bandwidth usage. If you are searching the internet for Free NetLimiter 5 Pro License Key, then check out this article and you’ll get all the information.

Ever wish you had complete control over your internet connection? Whether you’re a casual browser, a dedicated gamer, or managing a network at home or work, you need a tool that can seamlessly optimize and manage your internet usage.

Introducing Free NetLimiter 5 Pro License Key, your go-to solution for bandwidth control. This powerful tool allows you to dictate how much internet speed each application receives. Enjoying a movie? Ensure no other app slows you down, guaranteeing smooth, buffer-free streaming.

NetLimiter also excels at monitoring data usage. If you’re on a limited data plan, it tracks how much data each app consumes, helping you stay within limits. It’s especially useful for gaming and real-time applications, as you can block any suspicious apps from accessing the internet, protecting your data and ensuring a secure online experience.


NetLimiter 5 Pro is a powerful tool designed to help users monitor and control their internet usage effectively. Here are some of its standout features:

  1. Real-time Traffic Monitoring: Track current network activity on your device, including all applications and connections.
  2. Bandwidth Limiting: Set precise limits on how much bandwidth individual applications or connections can use, ensuring critical apps get the necessary bandwidth.
  3. Connection Blocker: Easily block specific applications from accessing the internet, enhancing security and control.
  4. Long-term Traffic Statistics: Collect and analyze detailed statistics over extended periods to understand usage patterns and optimize network performance.
  5. Prioritization: Assign priorities to different applications, ensuring that high-priority apps get more bandwidth when needed.
  6. Custom Filters: Create and apply custom filters to monitor or limit traffic based on various criteria.
  7. Quotas: Set data quotas for applications or connections, helping to manage and restrict data usage effectively.
  8. Firewall Capabilities: Use the built-in firewall to allow or deny internet access to specific applications, adding an extra layer of security.
  9. User-friendly Interface: A straightforward and intuitive interface makes it easy to monitor and control your network activity.

These features make NetLimiter 5 Pro a comprehensive solution for anyone looking to manage their internet usage, whether at home or in a professional environment.

Pro License Key 2024

Registrar NameRegistration Code

Registration Codes

  • 7BPUN-96658-Y38J2-1C571-J3ONA
  • O4J04-2ACM1-29GCW-7KYB7-0MSTS
  • BRN89-W9DJC-X4436-MRWHQ-Q135Z
  • 6658Y-38J21-C571J-3ONA2-GA3DK
  • 4CNYD-4BRN8-9W9DJ-CX443-6MRWH
  • QQ135-ZHRMB-Z0EY1-B9X6O-O7CL5

How to Activate 

  1. Download the trial version from the official NetLimiter website.
  2. Install the software on your computer.
  3. Launch NetLimiter after the installation is complete.
  4. Navigate to the menu, select HELP -> About and registration.
  5. Click on Enter code.
  6. Copy a NetLimiter 5 registration code from the page you are viewing.
  7. Paste the code into the provided box.
  8. Click the Save button to complete the registration.


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